on Martes, Pebrero 21, 2012
Date a girl who writes
Date a girl who spends her money not only on a single, definite collection or passion like “clothes only” or “books alone” but on a variety of things—-from a quirky shirt made by 4-6 year old children at a local orphanage, a lavender scarf woven by a mother of eight who has been a widow since half of her kids were able to understand that their father will never come back, a spur-of-the-moment trip to a far flung island whose caves are said to be haunted by a sea nymph, a 5 o’clock am breakfast in a 50-year old Chinese restaurant on a dusty corner on a downtown boulevard which serves the best fried rice… the list can go on and on. And notice that every time she spends, what she buys are not only the items or the experience but also the tiny details and countless stories of lives and experiences that she can weave perfectly into words.
Find a girl who writes. You know that she does because she carries around with her a handy notepad with torn papers and stick-on notes inserted in between its pages, and these are filled with random writings, often unfinished, jotted down poems, half-finished essays, a what seems to be a first sentence of a supposed to be short story, a quotation from a book, or simply just a word that evokes a lot of meaning.. The writings are not that too organized nor the handwriting too intelligible because most of the time, the string of her thoughts are faster than what her hands can muster.
Look at the hands. You can almost always pinpoint a writer by her hands. You see the girl with the smudges and smears and lines of ink on her hands, most especially in between her fingers? That’s the writer. Don’t get her wrong. She would also sometimes wonder why she couldn’t seem to get away from those ink smudges no matter how many times she would wash and scrub her hands in a day but she would end up pacifying herself that it’s a reality that she has to deal with. Look closely at the weird girl who has chipped fingernails and crooked middle and pointing fingers on her dominant hand. If you get the chance to hold her hand one day, you’ll surely feel a small, single calloused spot on the side of the last joint of her middle finger. That’s the writer. It’s the result of the love affair of her fingers with a pen or the way she would sometimes pound (Take note: pound, not type.) on the keyboard keys, very much like a pianist who is passionately absorbed, lost in his own music.
She’s the girl who would absent-mindedly stare outside the window for most of the time while you’re relating to her what you feel is one turning point in your life and when she does this, you would sometimes get a strong desire to pound on her and tell her to pay attention. Don’t be hurt by her seemingly lack of attention or interest. Don’t worry. She’s one master of multi-tasking. I tell you, you would be surprised when all of a sudden, she would turn to you, remark on what you’ve said with words that hold the deepest sense of meaning and you would further be amazed at how she would matter-of-factly tell you how your smile became somewhat crooked at one point of your story or how a single crease of line crossed your forehead at another point. Now, who’s not paying attention, huh? Do not ever, not even for a second be deceived that she’s not paying attention when she appears like her mind is elsewhere but with you. During those times, her mind is actually in full gear and she would surprise you that she can take account of your story in toto with the right details, including the life dilemma of the old man on the other table across yours which she just heard in passing while listening to yours.
Let her know what you really think of her writing. Talk about one of her poems over a cup of coffee and insert how this particular cup of coffee is special because it was planted and harvested by a certain native tribe in the southern part of the country. You’ll surely get her attention with that. Find time to read her works even those which are written on the side of her textbooks if you happen to come across with them and you would realize her great sensitivity and the special way she looks at life with a certain degree of passion.
Critic her works, don’t be afraid. She will welcome it with a humility that would make you realize that her writing is pushing her to take a great risk of exposing and baring her soul and her heart, piece by piece, fragment by fragment, to differing opinions and views.
Don’t hesitate to disagree with some of her ideas or opinions. Instead of being disappointed, she would greatly appreciate it for she understands that a great piece of writing stimulates ideas and reactions, may it be positive or negative.
It might appear difficult to date a girl who writes because of her unpredictable nature, varied taste, and wide range of experiences that she’s exposing herself into, but I’ll tell you, she’s one of the persons who are easy to be pleased and stimulated. The only key is your resourcefulness and imagination.
Yes, give her some gifts, you cannot do away with it, but don’t give her just the item or the thing. Give her the story and the words and the emotions behind these gifts. Present to her a bouquet of inexpensive flowers and her blush would be priceless because you bought it with her in mind and knowing that the money you spent will be used by a 10-year old kid to buy a new pair of blue slippers to replace the ones with holes on both of the soles. On your date, bring her to dinner on a food cart in one of the old streets downtown without worrying of being called jologs and tell her the story of the vendor who has to sell the fishballs and the kikiam that you’re eating to compensate for his allowance the following day at the local college. Give her the stories and the gifts of words, the dramas, and the funny anecdotes and you would surely move a mile deeper into her heart.
Tell her the truth no matter how ugly or painful you may think it is. She can surely take it, coupled with a poignant smile. She has heard a lot of truths in her lifetime—truths that would make other people cringe. However, she understands that behind those truths expressed in words are sometimes honorable intentions and motivations that have just somehow swayed out of the context. It will never be the end of the world to her.
Don’t get her too comfortable with your presence. Stimulate her even if your effort would at times fail. She understands failure much like she would sometimes purposely lead her characters to fail and doom for she knows that this gives substance and twist to the story, for without it, her write-up would be bland and unimaginative.
If you find a girl who writes, don’t be daunted by her seeming complexity. Keep her close. When you receive a call at 2 o’clock am and you realize that it’s her voice on the other line asking you about a certain word which is already at the tip of her tongue but she couldn’t seem to gather her thoughts completely because she just woke up due to a strong need to put to writing an idea that passed her mind while in the middle of her slumber. Don’t tell her to go back to sleep. Help her think of the right word, noting that her voice is enough to erase your irritation of being woken up and is stronger than a cup of coffee in keeping you wide awake. Who knows, she might be using you as the hero in the short story that she is currently brewing up or better yet, she is in fact writing about a vision of your life together.
You will start to write letters, the real kind, in long hand and expect to see it several years after—-yellowed pages and dog-eared, evidences of having been read for several times. You would start reading Keats and memorize some of her own original poems, reading it to her on a warm night and wonder how you ever thought before that reading poems nowadays is too gooey , when it’s the most romantic and natural thing for you to do.
Learn to ride with her quirkiness and crazy ideas and you would realize that it’s like a whiff of fresh air into your life. On the other hand, in moments when she is in deep thought, try to call her back into the dimension that you are in by your assertiveness and by balancing her silence with your thoughtful comedic acts. Don’t hesitate to break her occasional silences. Introduce and relearn with her the pleasure of experiencing the lighter stuffs in life. When she is having one of her moods during a writer’s block, take the pen out of her hand and hold it tightly with yours—-crooked, calloused fingers and all.
You will declare your love to her in the craziest way you’ve never thought possible—-in a rusty carnival ride, in the middle of a mardi gras, while walking on a wooden plank to the pump boat that would bring you to another island escapade. or probably when there’s a thunderstorm coupled with streaks of lightning and you just find yourself dumbfounded, mesmerized with her complete focus on the natural phenomena in front of her that would lead other people into shrieking, while she gazes at it intently, keeping to mind the exact color at the moment of the streaking of the lightning across the sky and the distinct sound of the thunder so she can write about it perfectly lest she needs this particular scene in her next write-up.
Life with her would be one great adventure with moments of tenderness for she understands the balance of her elements. You will at times want to throttle her, but most of the time, you would roll with her while laughing so uninhibitedly and you will smile so hard ’til your jaws ache and will wonder why your heart hasn’t burst and bled all over your chest yet. She will ask you to write with her the story of your life together, carefully balancing the elements of love, happiness, excitement, conflict, suspense and of course, the happily ever after. And take note, this is open to editing and proofreading.
Do not expect her to be the conventional partner that you could tie on the bed post. Ask the man who tried. For anytime, she may decide to study ballet, or learn digital photography, or join the peace corps. But expect her to love you with the passion that is only equal or even more than what you give her for she is sensitive when it comes to this matter. You will have adorable, intelligent, yet quirky kids with names that have individual stories of their own. She will introduce the children to a world in which there is a balance of magic and the occasional painful truths.
Date a girl who writes because you deserve it. You deserve a girl who can introduce you to seeing life in a different light and loving it with a passion like the way you look at her when you think (remember the warning about not believing even for an instance that she’s unaware?) she’s unaware that you’re lovingly gazing at her. If you can only give her monotony, and half-baked decisions of embracing her totality, then you’re better off alone.
If you want the worlds beyond ours and the worlds beyond those still, date a girl who writes.

(Note to reader: This article was originally posted by another blogsite, and was reposted on our site for sharing purposes only.)
Source: definitelyfilipino.com

on Lunes, Pebrero 20, 2012

(The story of a man named Joshua and the ladies that became part of his life. How he fell in love, feel loved, and searched for love, Joshua discovers how to really love a woman.)

Second of Three Parts:

            On my way to nowhere, I paused for a while. Then I noticed I escaped from the city of crowded streets to a peaceful place of lovely sea. Perfect fit for soul searching. The waves and the breeze relaxed my nerves. The sound of the sea made me happy, unlike the songs that I used to sing with Coleen which just makes me cry as they remind me of her. This is what I want to see, and this is where I want to be. The sight of this place made me realize that waves may come and go, but the perfect wave is worth waiting for.

            I decided to take a short walk then I found a perfect spot. There are tourists who stay on that place, enjoying the waves and having fun along the sands. I wanted to make myself busy not by looking at the ladies on the beach, I tried to build a sand castle instead.

            Building a sand castle is not easy. You keep on working although waves might destroy your work. You use your bare hands to make a perfect mold. I know it’s not enough to exert all your efforts with nothing to use in molding shapes and designs for your plan… Then a lady came and handed me a shovel, asked if she could help me, and that’s how it all started.I met a stranger because of a sand castle. I met a friend on a peaceful way. I met Brenda, who fulfilled me during the time I was empty.

I don’t know why she keeps on picking some seashells on the shore, thought most are seen on the sand. Until she told me that like the seashells, beautiful things in life are not always beneath your reach. They also need to be discovered. And even more beautiful than what you expect.

I enjoyed her company on my one week stay on the beach. Like the wonderful seashells along the sea, I didn’t expect to find her. Brenda built a castle for me – a magical one, where I am the king and she is the queen. She held my hand and confessed her feelings for me. The night before I left the place, we sat on the sand while reminiscing the week we’ve spent together.

I admit I like her. And I don’t want to see her cry when I’m leaving. And as soon as possible, I have to be honest with her. I love her as a friend, as a sister, as a teacher. I’m not really expecting to befriend a stranger until she came to cheer me up. It’s more than what I’ve expected… Brenda fell in love with me. But I don’t want to tell her I feel the same way for the sake of moving on. I don’t ever wanna hurt her, or even use her.

I packed my bags and ready to leave the shore. There I saw Brenda sitting on the sands. She built a castle and put wonderful seashells on it as a decoration. We took a photo of it together so I could remember the moments we’ve shared together. Before we parted ways, I planned to tell her what she needs to know but she spoke first. She admitted that she rushed things too fast, and she predicted my thoughts before I could tell her.

I left the place with a smile on my face. Knowing that somebody cured my wounds and it healed so fast. I had the feeling of being loved after heartbreak… I felt living on a castle after being homeless.

The very important thing Brenda taught me about love: Do not search for love. Love will find you. You’ll never know, someone out there would build a better place for you.

(Photo courtesy of "Dear John")
on Linggo, Pebrero 19, 2012
(The story of a man named Joshua and the ladies that became part of his life. How he fell in love, feel loved, and searched for love, Joshua discovers how to really love a woman.)

First of Three Parts:
     Alone in the corner, I am speechless, hopeless, and loveless. The guitar is strumming but no lyrics are coming. It's another beginning, another path, another experience.

     Waiting or somebody to come, a wonderful lady approached and sat beside me. The words she spoke is like a melody in my head. I have no one to talk to, until this angel came to stay with me. This is how I met Coleen, my first love.

     Time passed by and seasons have changed, but my feelings for Coleen never fades. Like a tattoo that's marked on my heart, it still remains and hard to replace. I asked for a chance if we can be together. She said yes, and promised the love that would last forever. Love is not just a noun, it's also a verb  not just said, but also done.

     Promises, promises. I felt pain in my heart when that promise was broken, and never even made. Yes, we have lots of differences, but that doesn't mean she has to be different. Dreams are shattered, happiness turned to sadness, the relationship has ended –  but not my love that longs for her.

     I know it's hard for me to move on, since the first cut is the deepest. And I was blinded by this love at first sight thing which I should say, not true. Because at second glance, you will know what would be the chance. Love isn't the moment you struck your eyes on a beautiful person; it is just an admiration. For love knows the feeling and not just the sight of the other.

      I don't believe that first love never dies. You may have the memory of her but the feelings do not stay. I kept moving forward because if I stayed in this lonely road, I will just get stranded on this traffic jammed loneliness.

    A relationship is like a bicycle which needs balance and proper control. It wouldn't work properly if the wheel is alone. I know I'll still meet someone on the road that's worth my force and sacrifice to join me on this ride. I'm having this journey called love right now but I don't know where to go, 'coz this destination is hard to find.

     I escaped from yesterday's sorrow, and now, I'm free to travel, discover and enjoy the tunes along the way of possibilities.
on Sabado, Pebrero 18, 2012

DRUGS not drowning

The golden girl of the music industry from the middle 1980s to the late 1990s Whitney Houston, 48, was found dead under the bath water in luxury suite number 434 at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Saturday afternoon, which is said to have been littered with bottles of prescription pills.

Reports say that Houston died from mixing a cocktail of Xanax and other powerful prescription drugs with alcohol. Bottles of Lorazepam, Valium, Xanax and a sleeping medication were found in the hotel room, it has been declared.

The drugs were believed to have acted as sedatives, causing her to fall asleep in the bathtub once they had been mixed with alcohol from the previous evenings. Paramedics battled to revive the singer but she was pronounced dead at 3.55pm, hours before she had been due to perform at a pre-Grammys party at the same hotel.

Los Angeles Coroner's office has officially refused to comment on rumors that water was found on her lungs, indicating she had drowned. But the gossip website TMZ has reported otherwise, saying Houston’s family has allegedly been told by Los Angeles County Coroner officials there was not enough water in her lungs to conclude she had drowned in her luxury hotel bathtub and in fact died before her head went under water.

Reports vary who found her. Some suggest her aunt Mary Jones discovered her body, while others say it was her hairdresser Tiffanie Dixon. At first it was thought that singer and reality TV star Ray-J, her on/off boyfriend who at 17 years younger dated her between 2007 and 2009 and was believed to have rekindled the romance, found the star.

But the brother of pop star Brandy later released a statement saying he 'was nowhere near the scene but no less distraught'.  He added that he had received 'missed calls' from his ex, and said: 'We all gotta live with that.'

The surprises come as it emerged that Houston’s daughter Bobbi Kristina, 18, allegedly fell asleep in a bathtub in the same Beverly Hilton hotel just 24 hours before her mother died. TMZ claims security was called to unlock the door and to help the 18-year-old on that occasion.

Now Bobbi Kristina’s relatives fear that she has become suicidal after she was rushed in the hospital twice in 24 hours following the discovery of her mother’s death.

Family and Friends Condolences

Bobby Brown, Houston’s ex-husband with whom she had an infamously turbulent 14-year relationship questioned with drug use, was in Nashville at the time of her death and his daughter's trips to the hospital.

Brown said, “I am deeply saddened at the passing of my ex-wife, Whitney Houston. At this time, we ask for privacy, especially for my daughter, Bobbi-Kristina. I appreciate all of the condolences that have been directed towards my family and I at this most difficult time.”

Houston's family also released a statement expressing their grief, “We are devastated by the loss of our beloved Whitney. This is an unimaginable tragedy and we will miss her terribly. We appreciate the outpouring of love and support from her fans and friends.”

Celebrities, from singers and rappers to television personalities and business leaders, took to Twitter to express their sadness at the news and praises for her undoubted talent.

'Heartbroken and in tears over the shocking death of my friend, the incomparable Ms. Whitney Houston,' said Mariah Carey.

'Shocked we've lost the immensely talented Whitney Houston!' wrote fellow singer Gloria Estefan and Rihanna tweeted, 'No words! Just tears. I honestly can't think of anything else!!! Feels so strange being at the Grammy rehearsal right now!!'

A 'devastated' Mitch Winehouse, the father of late Amy Winehouse who died last year after a public battle with class A drugs, paid tribute on Twitter, writing, “Amy, Etta, Whitney. Their music will NEVER die. What a great girl group in heaven.”

Bee Gees singer Robin Gibb added his condolences, saying, “In my estimation we have lost one of the greatest voices in popular music today...but as we always learn too late...we never cherish it until it's gone. My thoughts are with her family.”

Former Boyzone star Ronan Keating said the severity of the singer's problems had become apparent two years ago at the start of her comeback. He told Sky, ”I'm devastated. I cannot believe it. It's hard to believe she's gone. Another legend, we've lost another singer, probably the greatest singer the world has ever seen.

It's very sad to see the tough times in her life. I saw her two years ago when she was trying to make her comeback and I could see that she was weathered and you could see that she had been through tough time but you could see the voice was still there and she was trying.”

A performer with undoubted talent

It was a very tragic fall for a superstar who was one of the top-selling artists in pop music history, with more than 55 million records sold in the United States alone.

Houston seemed to be born into greatness. She was the daughter of gospel singer Cissy Houston, the cousin of 1960s pop diva Dionne Warwick and the goddaughter of Aretha Franklin.

Houston first started singing in the church as a child. In her teens, she sang backup for Chaka Khan, Jermaine Jackson and others, in addition to modeling. It was around that time when music mogul Clive Davis first heard Houston perform.

The New York Times wrote that Houston "possesses one of her generation's most powerful gospel-trained voices, but she eschews many of the churchier mannerisms of her forerunners. She uses ornamental gospel phrasing only sparingly, and instead of projecting an earthy, tearful vulnerability, communicates cool self-assurance and strength, building pop ballads to majestic, sustained peaks of intensity."

Her success carried her beyond music to movies, where she starred in hits like "The Bodyguard" and "Waiting to Exhale."

But by the end of her career, Houston became a dramatic cautionary tale of the toll of drug use. Her album sales crashed down and the hits stopped coming; her once serene image was shattered by a wild demeanors and bizarre public appearances. She confessed to abusing cocaine, marijuana and pills, and her once pristine voice became raspy and hoarse, unable to hit the high notes as she had during her prime.

However, Whitney Houston is a legend and her songs will continue to reign even though she is forever gone. In the hearts and minds of people who love and idolize her, she is still the golden girl of the music industry; forever remembered and forever will remain.

Click the link to watch Whitney's last performance!

on Huwebes, Pebrero 16, 2012

            “Hear me cry, Oh God; listen to my prayer. From the end of the earth I call to you, when my heart is faint. Lead me to the rock that is higher than I; for you are my refuge, a strong tower against the enemy.” Psalms 61:1-3

            The strongest tropical storm in 2011, Sendong, has killed hundreds of people, left hundreds missing, and displaced thousands of refugees with nothing in their possession.

            Cagayan de Oro was left with a tragic story that is now part of history. But one story might remain in the hearts of the people as an encouragement. It is the story of the dog savior.

            Blackie is a three-year-old female dog owned by Nilo Yecyec and his family.

Nilo recounted the moment he thought his daughter Jennylou went missing. It was when heavy rain brought by Typhoon Sendong came pouring down the roofs of the unknowing homes.

At about seven in the evening, rain started to fall. By midnight, the flood started to roll. His wife Malou was awakened by the rushing flood and has awoken her family for them to leave their one-story house for higher ground at about past midnight.

They went to the welcoming two-story house of their neighbor Bebeng Macarandang who is a widow with five children – a boy and four girls. But the flood has already reached the second floor of the house that Nilo was forced to work on breaking the GI sheet roofing open so they could go up the roof.

            Both families went up the rooftop but the three children of Bebeng who were in the roof first lost their footings and were swept away by the powerful flood. Nita, her daughter who was holding his son also fell and lost his son’s grip but was later able to get reunited.

Nilo held his daughter’s hand and had lost it. But after some time, tossed by the flood, Nilo, Jennylou, and Blackie were brought back together again. And so from Isla de Oro (Mabini), they floated and were swept to del Pilar and to Consolacion and it was where Nilo lost his daughter’s grip for the second time.

 And it was Jennylou herself who was able to tell the story of what had really happened.

Jennylou saw her father drifting away with her brother Mark John and was followed by her mother Malou. Then she followed. She saw his father and brother sunk and felt her mother’s grip loosening.

Malou got parted with her daughter but was able to find her son Mark John. Together they swam toward a Santol tree to escape the rushing current.

            After Jennylou had lost his father’s grip for the second time, all the while she was with Blackie. She held her dog tight and rode her in the water like a raft.

The flood swept them to Camiguin. There she saw a boy older than her riding on something that looked like a wooden raft. And the boy had managed to help her up.

When she was about to reach for Blackie, she saw that the dog was sinking. She hoped the dog would surface in the water, but it didn’t.

Jennylou said it was already morning when she could no longer count the number of floating dead bodies – babies, children, and adults. And a sea of corpses that stretched as far as her eyes could see had already surrounded her.

For some reason, the raft where she and the boy was using was sinking but the boy had found them another.

After the perilous evening, a rescue boat came in heed of their cry for help. In the rescue boat, there wasn’t any food and they were brought to Barangay Carmen frail and hungry.

And she was finally able to find her family, rejoicing in her return and was really happy that she was alive and they were all safe.

This one story only showed how deeply moving it was even for a little dog to be the instrument of God for help. The dog had sacrificed her life to save her master. Just like God sacrificed His life to save His people from sins.
on Miyerkules, Pebrero 15, 2012
Most of us do not realize that a particular kind of hairstyle will match with our facial structure. According to most stylists, the right way is to find what works with the structure of the face and looks stylish. A flattering hairstyle can be the most important factor in your appearance. It does not only tell your character, it also balances your body, frame of your face, and complements your clothes and lifestyle. On having a new haircut, it is necessary to observe carefully the shape of your face.

For Round Faces:


"A round face looks really good with an uneven cut, meaning a mix of lengths," says hairstylist and Los Angeles salon owner Chris McMillan. (Emma Stone's is a good example.) "If you add a deep side part and long, side-swept bangs, you'll look slimmer." Use a light finishing cream to coax—and keep—bangs to the side.

Long Layers
"If you want to wear a center part, the way to make it work for a round face is to have hair a few inches past your shoulders with layers that hit at the jaw," says McMillan. "Ask your stylist to cut in a bit on the sides to create subtle angles," as Kate Bosworth has. Prevent short layers from frizzing, which can add bulk around your face, by smoothing on a silicone serum.

Sleek Ponytail
An easy way to add definition is with a sleek ponytail secured at—or above—the height of your ears, says hairstylist and New York and D.C. salon owner Ted Gibson, like Fergie's here. The key? Keeping your hair smooth opposed to big and bouncy, which can add bulk. Gibson recommends running a light lotion on dry hair before pulling it back.

Piecey Bob
The key to wearing hair above the shoulders is styling it imprecisely, says hairsylist Jimmy Paul: "Think of RenĂ©e Zellweger when she has a bob. It's a soft, layered cut worn intentionally mussed." Use a thickening spray and a round brush on damp hair "to add a bit of movement and wave."

Defined Pixie
Try a pixie like Ginnifer Goodwin's, suggests Paul. "All those little pieces help emphasize the cheekbones and eyes; it's almost as if you build in cheekbones with this cut." Apply a pomade to damp hair for definition and texture.

Angled Bob
"Try long, dramatic layers that sweep along the chin, and a shortening of the hair as you go back to the nape of the neck," says Paul. "This cut gives you structure and angles. The hard lines of it balance out the soft lines of a round face." Use a volumizing spray to add body at the roots for extra slimming, but be wary of adding any at the sides—that can widen the face.

For Oval Faces:

Blunt Bangs
"If your face tends to look long, cutting straight bangs across the brow line can break up the length by creating the illusion of width," McMillan says. Keep them blunt like Taylor Swift's, with one or two passes of a flatiron.

Center Part
"A center part on hair that's shoulder-length or longer is nice against an oval backdrop," says Gibson. To avoid looking too severe, add some soft waves, like Hilary Duff's, with a beach-hair-mimicking spray. If you want a bit more texture, wrap random sections around a large-barrel curling iron. "The effect is incredibly romantic," he adds.

Bob with Side Bangs
"A collarbone-grazing bob with side-swept bangs helps break up a long face and add softness," says McMillan. Carrie Underwood's fits the bill. Keep bangs in place with a pea-size drop of light gel.

Edgy Short Cut
"Though she has longer hair now, the iconic, edgy short cut Rihanna had is perfect for oval faces," says Paul. "It's definitely a 'notice me' look," he notes, so if you're feeling daring, go for it. "There's something very sexy and feminine about showing off your neck and ears with such hard lines." Use a medium-hold gel to make it look piecey.

Center part Side-braid
Many women like to have long hair. A center parted side braid hairstyle is perfect for a true oval face. Again, this hairstyle shows off your very balanced face shape. Other than being very flattering, it is also a very pretty and romantic hairstyle that will turn heads for sure.

For Square Faces:

Thinned-out Bob
"A soft, tapered bob that hits right around the chin works beautifully on a square face," says Gibson. To add texture like Keira Knightley has and offset any severity at the jawline, mist on a dry shampoo spray, then flatiron the ends.

Tousled Shag
Go for a shag with body, says Paul. Rachel McAdams's is a good example. Use a styling cream to emphasize layers and de-emphasize squareness.

Wavy Ends
"Try waves from the ears down, which helps obscure any severity in the jawline," says McMillan. Megan Fox's is a great example of this look on long hair. Use a large round brush to smooth hair, then spritz on a wave spray.

Long and Straight
"The way Demi Moore wears her hair—really straight and long—softens square angles," says McMillan. And the center part "opens up the middle of her face, drawing attention away from the jawline."

For Heart Faces

Bouncy Bob
For a heart-shaped face, "hair that hits right below the jaw helps fill in the area around the chin, and de-emphasizes the triangle," explains Gibson. To blur those lines even more, add a bit of body, as Zoe Saldana has, with a round brush and volumizing spray.

Deep Side Part
With long hair, start with a clearly defined side part, then add side-swept bangs, suggests Gibson: "The idea is to bring your eyes out."

Long, Layered Waves
"You want a few pieces of hair to fall in the area between the ears and the nose to offset the width of the 'heart,' and you want the longer layers to fill in around the chin," McMillan says. And any waviness should be kept from the ears down, as it is on Jessica Biel here. "Fullness on top only emphasizes the point at the bottom," he explains.

Pixie with Side Swept Bangs
"A pixie with soft side-swept bangs softens any hard features," says Paul. Carey Mulligan is a classic. Finger-comb a light cream before going over hair with a round brush and blow-dryer for smoothness.

Source: www.allure.com